If you’re someone that struggles with the concept of search engine optimization, then the free Advanced Guide to SEO is the perfect template for you. This is a simple checklist, made by professionals, to show you how to improve the search quality of your content. The free document is a simple checklist Word sheet that you will go through each time you create or publish something new, to make sure it’s as effective as possible to generate traffic to your site. To get started today, just follow the guide that has been provided below.
Using the Advanced Guide to SEO
To download the free template document, just follow the link at the bottom of this page to get started right away!
Now, take a look at the items on the list and make sure that all the elements apply to you and your content. If not, simply delete the material and move on to the next item.
At the top of each section, you will see a category and underneath a set of subcategories. The subcategories have a checkbox next to each item. When you complete each item, as you make the necessary SEO changes to your document, you will simply click the checkbox to mark it as completed.
For example, let’s say that you make it down to “Self-Audit for Site Redesign” and you want to monitor your PageRank. You would simply use a recommended plugin to check the status of your page’s rank and observe that over time. After sufficient checks, you can mark that item as completed.
If you want to print the document for your records, just scroll to the top of the page and select “File” then ”Print.”
You can use this free template to create the perfect checklist for proper SEO strategy.
Check this out while you wait!