Tracking sales is the key to success. How can you improve your business or yourself if you don’t push the boundaries? Better yet, how do you push boundaries when you don’t know what they are? The Sales Tracker Sheet is the best method on the market for tracking the amount of sales you’ve had for a good or service over the course of the year. With this template, you can start to recognize dips and other trends in your sales figures to come up with practical solutions to your problems. You can also use this template to track commission for a variety of freelance, business, and service related needs. The Tracker Sheet is your way to keep up with your business, download for free today.
How to Use the Sales Tracker Sheet
Start at the top of the page to familiarize yourself with the summary information. In this section, you can quickly shift through the months you want to observe by using the directional arrow in the “Chart Period to View”. Changing this figure will also change the graph to the right to the corresponding month/period.
The main thing you need to enter in this section is the “Annual Sales Target”. This will calculate the amount you need to make in sales or commission below. If you’re earning commission on your sales, you can also enter the percentage rate you earn in this section as well.
Now, scroll down to the “Actual,” “Projected,” and “Commission” tables. Here is where you will enter the information that will appear above.
In the “Actual” table, enter the total sales figures you made for each category. Every column represents a new month so just enter the amount you made for that specific month. You may also include any holdbacks (figures made in this month but not applied to your accounts yet) and advances.
By the end of the year, you will receive your yearly sales and income, as well as the trends from month to month above.
Now you can reach your sales goals by using the free Sales Tracker Sheet today.
Download: Sales Tracker Sheet
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