Capture the best memories of this year by using the Photo Calendar template. You can create a calendar that displays pictures from your entire year and write down a complete schedule for yourself on one document. If you want a fun way to display all the best moments of your year and look back on them fondly then the Photo Calendar template is just the tool for you. You can download the free template by clicking the link at the bottom of this page. Get started on your calendar template to watch the wonderful progression of this year as you spend time with all your friends and family.
Photo Calendar Instructional Guide
All the months of the year are displayed below in their own tabs. This is a convenient way for you to separate your schedule, unlike most templates that throw every day of the year at you on one page.
Once you click on the current month’s tab, you’ll find a pretty straightforward calendar that displays the entire month and the days of the week at the top.
Once you have a task, simply click in the cell of the corresponding day and enter your item. You can use this calendar to schedule events, goals, or anything else you want to remember. Then when you don’t know what to do for the day, you can just refer to this template.
You’ll never miss another relative’s birthday or miss a doctor’s appointment ever again.
You can even leave yourself helpful notes in case one of your tasks doesn’t fit in the cell. For example, if you needed to mention the time of your doctor’s visit, you could leave that in the notes section along with the date.
Finally, the heart and soul of the Photo Calendar are the pictures. You can change this image to something that reflects the best memory you have from that month. Just right-click the image and select the “Change Picture” option from the drop-down menu.
Make this year memorable with the Photo Calendar template.
Download: Photo Calendar
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