Teaching Gradebook

Teaching Gradebook

The Teaching Gradebook is the new teacher’s pet when it comes to organizing the grades of your students. This template serves as the perfect companion to your natural instincts to sort and organize the grades of your students, with a few added features as well. You can also use this template to track the progress of individual students, allowing you to apply your focus to students that have been slipping with your grades. The Teaching Gradebook combines all the great advantages of Excel and pushes the envelope with a slew of dynamic ways to track students, it’s even got graphs! Free up some time by downloading this template today.

How to Use the Teaching Gradebook

There are three tabs to this Teaching Gradebook. Start in the one that says “Grades”. This is where you can start to enter all the current grades for each student you have for every assignment. The assignments are listed in the tips row and the names of your students with their overall grades are listed in the first few columns.

Go through and enter the names and grades of your students, along with the assignments you have planned so far. The overall grades will be calculated automatically as you enter new items into the document above.

You can view all the overall trends for your students back on the “Summary” tab. Here, you will receive the grades, number of letter grades a student received, and the grading distribution in the form of a graph. There is also a graph for overall average scores. This paints a nice picture of how your class is doing as a whole.

Now, the “Individual Report” is a nice touch if you have students you want to focus more on. This tracks their progress specifically and shows you any immediate declines or improvements to their performance in your class. If they begin to decline, you can quickly and efficiently get them the help they need.

You can have a comprehensive way to stay on top of your student’s work by using the free Teaching Gradebook.

Download: Teaching Gradebook