Do you have to keep track of a regular attendance for students at your school or organization? There are lots of expensive alternatives but why shell out the money when you can do it just as easy by simply clicking the download button on this page and downloading the completely free Student Attendance Template that can be easily adjusted to fit your own needs.
Using the Student Attendance Template
Once you download the template open it up in Microsoft Excel (either Windows or Mac) and once you open it there are additional instructions included to help you walk through it step by step and customize it to make it your own template. Once downloaded you have several different sheets on the bottom of the worksheet.
The first sheet includes a section on how to use the Student Attendance Template. This is a good reference page to review when you are customizing it to make sure that everything is changed correctly to fit your needs.
The second sheet on the Student Attendance Template is the student list. This list will not only include on the students that you will be tracking, but it will give you additional information on each student. This, again, can be customized but does come pre-populated with the following tabs:
- Student ID (Number or code provided to each student – good on stats to keep personal information private)
- Student First Name
- Student Last Name
- Gender
- Birth Date
- Parent or Guardian (2 boxes)
- Parent or Guardian Relation (2 boxes)
- Parent or Guardian Work Telephone (2 boxes)
- Parent or Guardian Home Phone (2 boxes)
- Emergency Contact
- Emergency Contact Relationship
- Emergency Contact Work Telephone
- Emergency Contact Home Phone
- Student Full Name
As you can see the list is quite complete. Some things can be changed, for example, if you have an adult class, you can remove guardian information. Sometimes it is helpful to add email addresses as well. Again you can customize it to make your own.
On the next group of sheets you have the individual months to track their attendance. The Student Attendance Template includes the preset options of Tardy, Excused Absence, Unexcused Absence, Present, or no school. You can add or delete any if desired as well.
On the last sheet in the Student Attendance Template it brings all the information for each student together so that you can get an overview of all information on the student and their attendance throughout the year at a glance.
Download the Student Attendance Template and make your life easier today!
Download: Student Attendance Template
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