The goal of having an investment portfolio is to make money. As you purchase stocks that produce higher yields, you add to your investment portfolio. When certain stocks begin to lose value, you want to know when and be able to sell them so you don’t experience a huge loss. A stock investment tracker makes it easy to see what stocks you have, how many of each you have, and what their performance is. In order to be a smart investor, you need to use a stock investment tracker template to keep your stocks organized.
How to Use the Stock Investment Tracker Template
- You can download the Stock Investment Tracker template for free on the website
- The entire template is customizable, allowing you to enter all of the information as it pertains to your stocks. You can then enter in the other values including the symbol, the quantity, and the purchase price of the stock.
- As you obtain new information about your stocks, you can update the tracker. All of the fields in white are designed for you to update. The areas in gray will then update automatically to provide you with helpful information. This includes market value and gain/loss in dollars and percentages.
- Come back as often as you want to update information so you can see your stock investment performance. It is easy to use and you never have to spend money to track the performance of your investments.
Tips for Using the Stock Investment Tracker Template
- Be sure you include all of the information at the top of the stock investment tracker, including the date. If you fail to place the date at the top, you will not have a sufficient resource to look back upon.
- Include as many details as you can about the stocks so you know the name of them and what account or bank they are associated with.
- Create new trackers on a regular basis so you can see how a stock is moving. If you constantly see losses, you may want to think about selling the stock. If you see a stock improving, you may wish to buy more of that particular stock.
You need to manage your investments in an effective manner. Stocks don’t have to be complicated to track, which is why this template can benefit you in so many ways. It’s free to use and can be downloaded here.
Download: Stock Investment Tracker
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