Measuring the social impact of an organization is very important. You must understand the impact your organization is making on your customer’s lives and find out what you can do to improve it. To sit and try to figure this out is almost impossible, to obtain a clear measurement. That’s why there are applications such as our Social Return on Investment template to help organizations make clear and accurate decisions on their next steps.
How to Use the Social Return on Investment Template
This workbook is a bit more advanced than other spreadsheets you may have encountered. However, it is easy to follow along with the introduction model and instructions in the workbook. Each spreadsheet also has informative instructions to guide you through the process. This workbook produces valuable information that is highly comparable to any other software. This template is yours free to download here and customize in Excel for your organizations success.
- The first tab is the Introduction to the SROI Model. This explains what a Social Return on Investment is, how it’s derived, and what this particular model does.
- You must perform some economical and industrial research. Gather historical financial statements.
- Make sure to enable the macros in the workbook so everything works properly.
- The sections are color coded. You must input information into the green and blue shaded cells. The gray cells are optional. There are five input sheets consisting of the background information of the business, historical investments, historical and projected income statements, social impact, and cash items such as working capital and capital expenditure.
- Once all the input tabs are completed, you will have a Social Return on Investment summary page completed. This includes social purpose values, blended values, enterprise financial results, and projected performance, to name a few.
- There is also a detailed calculations page so you can see a greater breakdown.
Tips for Using the Social Return on Investment Template
At the end of the workbook, there is a Completion Status tab. The Status will read as Incomplete until you have filled in all of the accurate information. Once you have, it will change to Complete.
The Social Return on Investment found here will help you take your financial reports to a new level and bring about a positive change to your organization and society.
Download: Social Return on Investment Template
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