Simple Monthly Calendar

Simple Monthly Calendar

The Simple Monthly Calendar is the best tool for creating your ideal schedule plan. It’s terrible when you forget your plans or obligations to others. The Monthly calendar can help you prevent that by giving you a space to enter your information in a familiar calendar format. With all your months displayed in their own templates and a helpful “Notes” section included on every page, there’s no chance of any of your scheduled items falling through. Make this year your year to shine by downloading the free template file to your computer.

How to Use the Simple Monthly Calendar

The first thing you need to do is download the free Monthly Calendar. To download the template follow the link located below.

Now, find the month your currently in, listed in the tabs below. You should be able to see a familiar calendar layout when you click on the right tab. The calendar page is intended for you to find a date you have something planned and enter that item in the right cell.

For example, let’s say you have a birthday party you need to go to on January 1st. You would then click on the “January” tab at the bottom of the page. Then, you simply click on the cell that contains “1” in the top corner and enter the details of the party.

There is also a nice “Notes” section to add any extra items for the month. Going back to the birthday party example, you can leave yourself a note that says “Jan. 1st: Buy Gift” to remind you to get a gift.

The Monthly Calendar is also formatted for quick printing. Just scroll to the top of the screen and select the “File” button. Then, select “Print” from the drop-down menu that proceeds.

You can continue moving from tab to tab until you have the entire year mapped out. You can even reuse the calendar template for next year since it’s so helpful.

Don’t let this year be the same as the last, master your schedule by downloading the free template today.

Download: Simple Monthly Calendar