There are many reasons why you may need to compile an expense report. Perhaps you were traveling for your job, or looking to get some business for the new company you have just started. Either way, the first thing you should do when you get back is file an expense report. These reports are a must, even if you have your own business and are paying out of your own pocket. Expenses you can tie to your business give you a tax advantage, and if you are working at a larger company, you will want to be reimbursed for money spent. Either way, downloading the Simple Expense Report Template is the way to go.
Using the Simple Expense Report Template
The Simple Expense Report Template is straight forward, very easy to use, and can be downloaded for free on this page. The file you download will open with Microsoft Excel, and can be edited as you wish. The basics of the report include sections where you can add all of your expenses. These sections include a description of the cost, which account it came out from, and what the area of expense was. For example, you would put $500 under hotel if you are looking to file the room charges you incurred. Similarly, you could put $75 under meals if you took out a client to dinner while on your trip.
The great thing about this Simple Expense Report Template is the professional look that it projects. Instead of writing down all of your expenses on a single sheet of paper by hand, or using a hotel notepad, you can give this to your boss/human resources office. The report has areas where you can enter your name, your business name, the time period of your trip/pay period, and the department this report pertains to.
Various Needs for a Simple Expense Report Template
An expense report template is useful for a variety of reasons. Even if you have not gone on a trip or anything of the sort, an expense report can be used for the pay period in general. It can include all of the costs that are being incurred by your department, or your business as a whole. This will give you an idea about where you are spending the most money, and can help you take cost cutting measures in the future. Ensure that your report is professional by downloading the Excel template.
Download: Simple Expense Report Template
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