When hosting, or speaking at a seminar, it is a privilege to bestow information to receptive minds. The best way to increase an audience is to hand out invitations, or place a stack of them on the counter at a local coffee shop. The seminar invitations template is easy and ready to use. The pre-formatted invitation is customizable to reflect image of the seminar or company. Save time by downloading the free template..
How to Use the Seminar Invitations
- The seminar invitations template is an 8 ½ by 11 portrait layout that holds two invitations per page.
- In the vertical blue field to the left of the seminar invitation, that states free seminar, either leave that wording as is, or change it to the name of the seminar.
- Add the date. Leave the word date, follow it with a colon, and then place the date of the seminar. There are two ways to format the date, type out the whole date, or short hand it. Example: January 1, 2013 or 01-01-2013
- Add the time. Leave the word time, follow it with a colon, and then place the time of the seminar. Unless the time display is in a 24-hour format, follow up the time with an A.M. or P.M. Example: 1300 Hours or 1:00 P.M.
- Replace Address 1 with the name of the building where the seminar will be. This is a great identifier to include adding specification to an address.
- Replace Address 2 with the building address. Include street, city, state, and zip code.
- Add a point of contact. Replace the red word phone with the name of the contact, followed by a phone number. This is the number attendees will contact to inquire information pertaining to the seminar, or place and RSVP.
- Follow the steps above to change the same information on the second invitation located on the bottom half of the page.
Tips for Using the Seminar Invitations
- When printing the invitations, keep in mind that there are two per page. This will eliminate over printing.
- When adding a point of contact, never add a personal cellular or home phone number. Always provide a company number.
- Feel free to personalize the seminar invitations by changing the colors of the lines and boxes.
- When typing the information, use a font that is easy to read, and standard size.
Download: Seminar Invitations
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