
Each time a company conducts business in which a customer must pay later, a sales invoice should be issued. Invoices provide information to the customer about the services provided or products purchased, as well as the amount owed. Using a sales invoice template is an efficient way for companies to create professional invoices with ease.
How to Create an Invoice Using the Sales Invoice Template
- Download the free, easy to use template located on this page. This template is fully customizable to your business’s needs.
- Change the date and invoice number on the top right-hand corner of the template.
- Complete the top-left section of the sales invoice template. This area includes your company’s contact information, including the company name, address, phone number, fax number, and email address.
- Complete the top-center and top-right sections of the template. This area includes your customer’s billing and shipping information, including the company name, person of contact, address, phone number, and customer number.
- Complete the mid-section of the sales invoice template by inserting the sales person’s name, job name, method of shipping, terms of shipping, date of delivery, terms of delivery, and payment due date. These headings can be customized to your company’s needs.
- Complete the bottom section of the template. This section includes details about services provided and/or products purchased. The columns provided in this template include quantity, item number, description, unit price, discount, and line total; however, these column headings are customizable.
- Enter the order’s total discount amount, subtotal, sales tax, and invoice total. For accuracy, use a calculator to assist you in determining these amounts.
- Finally, insert your company’s logo and slogan on the bottom left corner of the template.
Helpful Tips for using the Sales Invoice Template
- After entering your companies contact information, logo and slogan on the invoice template, save a copy to your computer. Use this saved sales invoice template to streamline creating future customer invoices.
- Include your website address below your company’s contact information in order to encourage customers to visit your website, potentially leading to further sales.
- If you conduct business with the same customers repeatedly, you may want to save separate invoice templates to your computer for each customer.
- Include a personalized message to your customers, thanking them for their order and asking them to do business with you again soon.
Download: Sales Invoice Template
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