The Registered Nurse Resume Template available here for download is good for any RN that is looking for employment. It is easy to use and can be fully customized to fit just about any situation. Here is a quick step-by-step and some tips to score the job that you want.
How to Use the Registered Nurse Resume Template
The Registered Nurse Resume Template will open in any software that is compatible with Microsoft Word 2012. The first things you will do is enter the personal information into the upper most part of the document. Enter your Name, address, contact number, and e-mail into the spaces provided. The section titled Professional Summary is for you to enter information that shows how well you qualify for the open position you are applying for.
The Credentials section is provided to include information about licenses that you have that pertain to field. In the Experience section you can enter information about places that you have worked in the past that pertain to the medical field. The education section should include degrees and the colleges you received them from. The affiliations section is for groups that you are a part of and the Community Service section is for you to add information about volunteer work you have done or are doing.
Tips for Using the Registered Nurse Resume Template
There are a couple of things that can help your Registered Nurse Resume Template really stand out when it is sitting in a stack of resumes. The Professional Summary should highlight as many achievements as you can that pertain to the job you are applying for. This is the first thing the employer will see when they are looking at your resume. Make it stand out and give plenty of reasons why you are a good candidate for the company, and that you are a reliable, hard worker.
Your experience can also highlight specific jobs that pertain to the one you are applying for instead of only using chronological order. You are trying to state in one page why this employer should hire you over all of the other candidates, so do not be modest.
The Registered Nurse Resume Template is easy to use and you can download it right here for free. Customize it and use it the next time you are looking for a new job in the medical field. You will be hired in no time and have the job of your dreams.
Download: Registered Nurse Resume Template
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