
Petty cash assists business owners with small purchases usually around the ten dollar range. There is one person in charge of dispersing these funds and obtaining receipts for fund usage. Petty cash receipts are a necessity for businesses to keep track of the expenditures from the petty cash fund and to properly evaluate proper usage. The Petty Cash Receipt Template is an excellent, free, online, downloadable, formatted template that can help petty cash users maintain a good working system.
How to Use the Petty Cash Receipt Template
- First download the template and save it to your computer’s hard drive. That way it can be customized according to your business.
- Make sure the receipts are dated and number for tracking purposes.
- Fill out all appropriate sections of the receipt, including the description of the purpose in which you are in need of the petty cash funds and how much you are requesting.
- Make sure you receive each signature necessary for this transaction including your own.
Tips on Using the Petty Cash Receipt Template
- Signatures are extremely important for these petty cash receipts. It confirms the identity of the person requesting the funds, who handed the funds to that person and the person who authorized its usage. This information may be used at a later time when there is a problem with cost and balancing the funds. This will save you some unnecessary problems down the road.
- Keep an accurate account of description of the purchase. If you simply put one word items or abbreviations, you may not understand what you have written weeks later. If you are asked about a purchase you will be able to clearly explain the purchase.
- Never take money from a petty cash fund without a receipt. This will create an accounting problem and also cost you your job.
The petty cash receipt template is the perfect addition to a business that uses a petty cash fund. It is a completely free download and easily customized. It will keep your petty cash fund balanced and approved.
Download: Petty Cash Receipt
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