Oversized Postcard


An oversized postcard is a mailable marketing technique. The postcard sends a personal touch. This unique design breaks away from the traditional flyers and pamphlets. Promote a special product or service with ease and download the free customizable template from this site.

How to Use the Oversized Postcard Template

  • The first page represents the front of the oversized postcard. Change the upper text box within the maroon backdrop. Name the special offer the company or organization is promoting. Directly underneath, provide the product and service information.
  • Change the text within the tan box. Change the organization’s name and tag line with the company’s name and motto. The larger text box is for a brief detailed description of the product or service. List the benefits, success rates, or any positive data that will support the product. In the lower text box, type the name of the company or organization again.
  • Change the text boxes in the bottom portion of the maroon backdrop. In the left box, place the company’s primary business address such as a corporate office or a local home office. In the right box place the business phone number, a mobile number if applicable, the fax number, and an email address. Delete any unused lines.
  • Change the photos. Right click on the one of the two pictures and highlight the change picture option. Follow the menu to the right and select change picture again. This will bring up the file box. Find the file that contains the company’s logo and select it. Click on insert. Re-size the picture as needed. Repeat this step for the second photo.
  • The second page represents the back of the oversized postcard. Change the special offer title to the one selected on the front of the postcard. In the large textbox, provide information on additional products and services the company offers.
  • Change the sender information to the companies mailing information and contact information. Change the recipient information to the appropriate address.

Tips on Using the Oversized Postcard Template

  • Instead of typing the sender and recipient’s information, delete the fields, and use mailing labels to save time.
  • Change the background colors to match the company’s colors.
  • Not every block has to contain pictures or information. If there are any blocks that are not applicable to the marketing postcard, delete the fields.
  • Contact a the United States Postal Service to inquire about bulk distributing as well as pricing to avoid using individual stamps.
  • Delete the textbox outside the postcard on the right before saving and printing.
  • When printing, be sure to change the paper format to landscape.

The oversized postcard is great way to provide a large easy-to-view product and service information. It’s sizable display will catch the eye of the recipients.

Download: Oversized Postcard