Non Profit Budget Template


Microsoft Non Profit Budget Template

Setting a budget is critical to the establishment of a successful non-profit. Finding a tool to set a budget that is easy to use and is also free can be extremely difficult. The Non Profit Budget Template is a free and easy-to-use template that allows nonprofits to deal with both their expenses and their income on a daily basis. Get your hands on the free Microsoft non profit budget template today!

How to Use the Non Profit Budget Template

Using the non profit budget template is extremely easy. The template requires you to start by going through your previous year’s expenses and revenue so as to get an idea as to what your budget should look like. The template already has suggested sources of revenue and sources of expenses, but if you need to adjust the template to suit the needs of your organization then you are free to customize the template. It is important to note that the expenses column includes what normally would be called overhead expenses. If you want to include the costs that your non-profit actually spends on helping its cause then you can feel free to do so.

The next column of the template is a proposed budget for the current year. This is fairly simple and it is followed up with the actual budget for that year. The fourth and fifth columns show the variance of the budget and also compare that year’s budget to the previous year. This information is extremely useful to a non-profit. The non profit budget template is a simple tool for planning out the budget for a non-profit.

Non Profit Budget Template Tips

  • Use this template as a way to get an overview as to how successful your non-profit was in comparison to how you planned it to be.
  • You should also consider keeping a monthly budget depending on the nature of your non-profit. Some non-profits depend on annual events and mostly have annual expenses but for the most part non-profits require monthly planning and adaptation as well.
  • Adjust the budget based on the previous year’s successes and failures. This will help your non-profit improve as the years go on.
  • Take advantage of the fact that this template is customizable. Adjust it to suit your non-profits needs.

Download: Non Profit Budget Template