Non Profit Budget Spreadsheet


Free Non Profit Budget Spreadsheet Download

Non-profits need to keep accurate records of where there money is spent. Some grants have specific rules for how the money granted is spent. There are many ways that a budget is used for non-profits. Working with a non profit budget spreadsheet keeps track of spending for grant money.

Why Use a Non Profit Budget Spreadsheet

Many non-profits have many types of grants working in their budget. For every grant, there may be rules as to how the money is used. Keeping track of all expenses and matching them with their grant is necessary in the non-profit business world. At the end of a grant cycle, grantors require a report to insure that the money was spent how it was intended.

The non profit budget spreadsheet is useful for tracking fundraising projects. A non-profit often plan fundraisers for a project. For example, if a nonprofit needs money to purchase supplies, build a new building or simply to raise funds for operating expenses, they will put together a fund raising event. A spreadsheet keeps tally of the money spent and the funds collected.

How to Use our Non Profit Budget Spreadsheet

  1. Navigate to our website and locate the non-profit budget spreadsheet on this page.
  2. Click the link to download to your device.
  3. Save the file to your desktop or other location for easy access.
  4. Open your spreadsheet software, Excel is most popular.
  5. Enter your non-profit information.
  6. Track incoming and outgoing income.

Non-profit companies are obligated to full disclosure of their funds. Using our non profit budget spreadsheet helps keep accurate records for fundraising and grant money use. Using a non profit budget spreadsheet also helps when applying for a grant. Grant applications require a budget worksheet that will show how the grant monies will be used. Those who donate to non-profits often want to see where the non-profit spends their funds. Using a spreadsheet keeps donors and grantor informed and is the perfect end of year tax filing tool. A spreadsheet gives an accountant an accurate record of the income and expenses of the non-profit business.

Download: Non Profit Budget Spreadsheet