By implementing a membership form, clubs and organizations can enlist and keep an eye on potential clients and members. Some organizations require a mass amount of paperwork to be completed, reviewed, signed, and filed for someone to join them. There is in fact a way to reduce the paperwork load involved in this activity. By using our free high quality membership application form template, streamlining your application process will be as easy as ever.
The application form will gather all the information that you will require and more. The first items the potential member will be asked about are their basic information about location and rent. Employer information, details about the person’s family, and references are the other sections of the form.
Using the Membership Application Form Template
Once you get your hands on our free membership application, you’ll realize just how easy it can be to use it. Find the application template on this page and just follow along.
- Download the application featured in this article. Save it to a folder on your computer where it will be easy to find.
- Open the template with your version of Microsoft Word or other software that is compatible.
- Print or customize the template in any manner that you wish.
Tips for Using the Membership Application Form Template
Just like our other templates, the free membership application form can be customized to meet any of your ideas or needs. The file is in Microsoft Word format and is wide open for you to edit in every way possible. Once you have the Word file open on your desktop, read these tips apply your very own changes to the membership application form template.
- Highlight all the text in the document and change the font. If your club or organization has a graphic style or brand, switch the font to the one most commonly used.
- Switch the form colors to meet those used in your company logos. This will make the form look a lot more official to the potential client.
- Add your own required fields. If you need more information from the potential member, create a field or two on the form that best suits your needs. You can even remove any fields that you don’t want to include on your membership application.
Download: Membership Application Form Template
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