Law Firm Template


Law Firm Template Free

Every law office manager knows that oversight is an essential part of the success of any long term effort. There always has to be someone keeping track of the following considerations: Who is assigned to the project? Which people are doing which parts of the work? How much money will it cost? How much time should it take? Not to mention the equally important question: How much time and money is it all taking in reality?

Wouldn’t it be a relief to have an easy tool to help you keep track of all those loose ends? After all, time is money in a law practice. Keeping everything organized will save both! You can take advantage of this helpful, easy-to-use law firm template to help keep your practice’s affairs in hand.

How to Use the Law Firm Template

  • You can download the law firm template directly from our website. It’s easy! And it’s free: no strings attached.
  • We understand that every practice has its own quirks and idiosyncrasies. That’s why we’ve made the template malleable: You can customize it to suit the needs of your office and change it at will from project to project.
  • Get it now and save yourself time and hassle! Just click and download: it’s that easy.
  • Then simply open your template in Excel and get started.

Tips for Using the Law Firm Template

  • The template allows you to keep track of which staff members are assigned to which portions of any given project. This can be as meticulous or as simple as you want it to be! This feature often works best when you don’t go overboard on the detail. Keeping your spreadsheet concise and easy to read will save you some headaches in the long run.
  • Don’t overlook the template’s graph function! Creating visual aids for your data will make it easy to see at a glance how things are progressing.

Your time and energy are valuable! Use this handy law firm template to make your practice more efficient.

Download: Law Firm Template