Having your home insured will almost always involve having an inspection done. The inspection will determine how much money you have to pay in premiums, how much coverage you can receive, and it will be a reflection of the property value of your home. A home inspector may even increase your rates if they discover that there is something wrong with your home. This is why it is very important to inspect your home yourself before you have it inspected by an insurance agent. The best way to do this is with the help of a home insurance inspection checklist.
This checklist can be downloaded for free, and it is optimized to make the process of inspecting your home easy. It is even possible to modify the format of the checklist to fit your particular needs.
What to Put on your Home Insurance Inspection Checklist
- Try breaking down the checklist for each room in your home. This will allow you to make sure that you check each duct, the windows, the doors, and light fixtures in each room.
- Breakdown your home insurance inspection checklist based upon different kinds of infestations. This will allow you to check each part of your home for things like termites, ants, mold, and mildew.
- Create a separate home insurance inspection checklist for the outside of your home. This will help to remind you that you need to look at things like your sprinkler system, the exterior walls, and how the roof looks from the outside.
- Format the checklist so that you can easily mark parts of your home that is in need of being repaired before the inspection. This will allow you to remember to fix these items, and will help you to go back through your home when you are arranging for repairman to come and fix things.
- Format your home insurance inspection checklist so that you have space to make comments about each item on the checklist. This will further help you keep track of what needs to be repaired, and it will even let you make arrangements for maintenance and repair work that will need to be done in the future.
Download: Home Insurance Inspection Checklist
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