Everyone seems to have plenty of “stuff” around the holidays, but what friends and family really crave is a unique and personalized gift that takes some thought. Consider using this holiday gift coupons template to create fully personalized coupons or booklets offering services such as babysitting, cleaning, car washing, cooking, and so much more. Not only will the recipient be touched, but it will also save you money.
This holiday gift coupons template is particularly beneficial because it is versatile. It can be made into a small booklet of ten coupons or it can be printed and cut up into multiple coupons for different recipients. It is also easy to customize with fonts, colors and text to fit every recipient on your list.
How to Use Holiday Gift Coupons Template
- To begin, download this free holiday gift coupons template right from the website to get started creating highly personalized, creative and money saving gifts for your friends and family.
- Next, insert the relevant details on the coupons including the type of gift and the recipient. For instance, you might want to make a free home cooked dinner coupon for your mother or a free car wash coupon for your father.
- Third, add finishing touches with this extremely easy to use and customizable Microsoft Publisher template. Change the colors or patterns to highlight the favorites of your friends and family.
- Finally, print them out and cut them up to be given out as gifts. One great thing about this holiday gift coupons template is that it can even be printed on business card paper to give the coupons a more professional appearance.
Tips for Using the Holiday Gift Coupons Template
- Be sure to personalize each and every coupon book for it to be truly well-received. For instance, if you have a parent that is overwhelmed with cleaning the house or doing chores, offer a coupon book full of things like doing the dishes, dusting, and taking out the trash.
- Consider printing the coupon books on business card paper and potentially adding them to the stockings of your whole family as a fun way to encourage everyone to go through their books at the same time and discover their exciting gifts.
- Another helpful hint is to use these as a gift for relatives who live far away and get creative with the coupons. For example, you could provide one free silly photo a month for a year.
Download: Holiday Gift Coupons
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