The process of writing a grant proposal need not be cumbersome or complex. However, it does need to be organized and detailed. When developing a grant proposal, timeliness are an important factor, while much energy goes into meeting deadlines. This is where the grant proposal template can be of great assistance. Having a customizable template at your fingertips will expedite the process for the grant writing professional, while maintaining an organized, professional document to be presented to potential funders.
Microsoft Office has designed a unique, and customizable grant proposal template specially equipped to meet the needs of the grant writing professional to produce quality, organized and concise grant proposals in an expedited fashion.
How To Use The Grant Proposal Template
- First, download the free customizable template from this page and save it onto your computer or hardware device.
- The grant proposal template provided on this page is both easy to use, and user friendly. Click on the areas to be customized, and simply type your data into it.
- There are seven components to your free customizable grant proposal template, starting with the cover letter. Tips for each component will guide you through the process. Periodically save your data as you type it into the fields.
Tips For Using The Grant Proposal Template
- Cover Letter – This is a simple overview of your request. It should be a one page brief summary of your organization, the reason for your request and its purpose. Include how your request is a match for the funder.
- Executive Summary – Fill in a half page summary of your proposal that summarizes the project, purpose of the request, the needs, the project’s objectives and methodology for answering the needs, along with the cost of the project. Include the amount of your request, and contact information.
- Narrative – This is the body of the proposal, and is usually ten or more pages. It includes the problem statement which is the need, the project objectives, methods for addressing the need, and your evaluation process. It is advisable to treat these areas as sub-components and include headings on them accordingly, as they should have their own separate pages from each other. Remember to save your data periodically. Note that your methodology for addressing the needs should be the largest of the sub-components as this is the part where you are stating your proposed solutions.
- Budget – Fill in a detailed budget that not only include costs to be met by the funding organization, but other funding sources as well. The budget should be consistent with the narrative, and should not be deflated, or inflated, but should justify the tasks included therein.
- Qualifications – This should include the credentials of the organization requesting funding. It is the organization’s resume that will include some history, accomplishments, as well as the overall mission and goals of the organization.
- Conclusion – Very brief summary re-stating the case brought forth in the preceding parts of the proposal. Similar to the executive summary, but is a concluding summary.
- Appendices – These are extra documents that may vary from funder to funder but normally include: 1-certificate of incorporation and by-laws, 2-list of the board of directors, 3-tax exempt verification, and 4- financial statements.
Download: Grant Proposal Template
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