Fundraising Budget Template


Microsoft Fundraising Budget Template

Fundraising is necessary for any non-profit but keeping track of who is responsible for what and how far away from the goal you are can be quite difficult. The fundraising budget template allows the user to keep track of their budget, their goal, and who is responsible for what.

How to Use the Fundraising Budget Template

The fundraising budget template is a free tool that is completely customizable. There are three pages in the template that allow you to keep track of every part of the fundraising event. The last page is simply a list that allows you to keep track of all of the sources of income, all of the expenditures, and the names of all of the volunteers.

The second page allows you to list the sources of revenue and the expenses. You can also list the amount, the date, and the person who collected the revenue or paid for the expenses. This is extremely useful in terms of accountability because you know who did what by looking at the revenue and expenses list.

The first page of the fundraising budget template is the one you will use the most. This page will display all of the information you have collected in revenue and expenses page. The page also displays your event goal. On the left side of the page under the goal you can see the numbers representing your events income and expenses. For the visual people you also have a circle graph on the right side that shows your income and how much more you have to go to your goal. This fundraising budget template is completely customizable and is free to download.

Tips for Using the Fundraising Budget Template

  • Be sure to set a realistic goal before you hold your fundraising event. Do not set yourself up for disappointment.
  • Use the template not just as a tool to keep track of your fundraising goal but also as a way to keep your volunteers accountable.
  • Remember why you are holding your event and always make sure the event is representing the values of your organization.
  • Use the graph to emphasize the success of your event.

Download: Fundraising Budget Template