The success or failure of any event depends on its advertising. Our Fall Event Flyer Template can help you reach your goal by catching both the eye and the imagination of the public. The Fall Event Flyer Template provides a quality layout adaptable to any situation. It is a simple, easy to use alternative to professional advertising.
How to Use Microsoft’s Fall Event Flyer Template
Make sure you have all of the necessary information, names, date, location, time, purpose, and any special notations such as the name of the band providing music, contact information, ticket prices (if applicable), and if memberships or reservations are needed in order to attend. Once you have all the necessary information, you may begin:
First, highlight [YOUR FALL EVENT] and type in the name of your event. For example, THE HARVEST DANCE AND POTATO FEST, then place a sub-heading such as “featuring the music of THREE CARD MONTE for your dancing and listening pleasure.”
Second, insert the date, time, and location (street address, city and state), a contact name and phone number for the event.
Third, insert a paragraph about your organization or business, what you do, and why you are involved in this endeavor. Let people know why this event is important. This is your opportunity to make The Fall Event Flyer a unique marketing tool for your organization or business.
Finally, insert your contact information: (1) company name, (2) company logo, (3) address, (4) phone number, and (5) include social websites such as Facebook or Twitter as well as the company website.
Tips for Using The Fall Event Flyer Template
Be organized. It always helps to have all of your information on hand and verified as well as any special information such as a guest speaker during dinner, or a silent auction.
Proofread. Proofread. Proofread. This can’t be stressed enough. Errors and misspellings detract from the professional appearance you wish to present to the public. Remember, that what you put out in your flyer represents your organization, business, your bosses and YOU.
Make sure any directions you provide are clear, and complete.
Try your FREE download of the Microsoft Fall Event Flyer Template today!
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