Exercise Tracker

Exercise Tracker

Exercise Tracker

Many people enjoy exercise as a way to relieve stress and get fit. It can be frustrating though to not know what the exercise is accomplishing because you can’t always see results right away. The Exercise Tracker is a simple way to log your exercise activities and calories burned with each work out.

How to use the Exercise Tracker

Download the tracker and open it in Excel. The tracker has placeholder information to help you follow where everything goes. The gray boxes on the left side of the template will mostly fill in automatically, so begin by changing the names of each activity to fit your exercises. Once that is finished, ignore the rest of the data in the gray boxes and on the bar graph on top.

The middle portion with white rows is where you will enter your data. Enter in the date of the exercise and then list the activity to correspond with one of the entries from the gray boxes. Next to your activity, put the starting time and how long it lasted. 0:23:00 is twenty-three minutes, and 1:20:00 is one hour and twenty minutes.

“Total” and “Unit” represent how much of the activity you did. 3.66 under “Total” with “Miles” under “Unit” means you went 3.66 miles with the activity. The calories portion can be tricky if you aren’t sure how much you burned, as the amount varies by weight and height. Applications exist for your Smartphone to figure this out, and online websites also have calculators you can use.  Add any notes in the next column you want to remember.

Once the data is entered, you will see the gray boxes and bar graph update to fit what you’ve entered. As you add more entries, the Excel sheet will continue calculating your information to give you totals.

Tips for using the Exercise Tracker

  • Create a new tracking page from this template for different weeks or months. This way, your totals can be broken into a date range for you to track.
  • If there is something you don’t want to track, such as calories burned, then enter a zero into those places and your bar graph won’t fill.

Download the Exercise Tracker


Template Courtesy of Microsoft