There are many components to planning even a small scale event, and the budget is arguably the most complex of all. Every event requires an itemized budget and too often organizations find themselves scrambling at the last minute to find extra revenue to finance an event. This effective and easy to use event budget template creates an organized budget to ensure that too much money is not spent. It is also helpful to point out some areas of an event budget that are often overlooked.
How to Use the Event Budget Template Excel Document
The first step to using the event budget template in Microsoft Excel is to download the free document right from this site. The next step is to begin to customize the details within the spreadsheet. The event budget template is fully customizable so it can be used repeatedly for both small and large scale events of any kind.
Customization is the most important step. Begin by including details in each of the following categories: site, decorations, publicity, miscellaneous, refreshments, program, and prizes. The pre-entered formulas will create subtotals for each category as well as grand total at the bottom. The graphs also provide helpful visual displays.
Finally, share the event budget template with others involved in the event by printing it out right from Microsoft Excel. Since various planners involved with the event will likely be in charge of different aspects, having a unified budget to share with everyone is a helpful way to streamline the process.
Tips for Using the Event Budget Template Excel Document
- Whenever possible, try to use just one supplier for event materials. Most event supply companies offer discounts so it is a great way to save money when you order plates, cups, decorations, banners, and so on from just one supplier. Even if they do not offer bulk discounts, most will be willing to negotiate.
- Always be sure to advertise an event with multiple avenues. For instance, do not just post an ad in the paper but also update your organizations’ social media and website. Word of mouth is the best way to advertise, though, so encourage employees and volunteers spread the word as well.
- Since events can be expensive it is helpful to create some sort of revenue whether it is from ticket sales, raffles, or corporate sponsorship. Whatever the case, try to rally some kind of financial support in order to stretch the event budget as far as possibly during the planning stages.
Download: Event Budget Template
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