The Energy Usage Calculator is an incredibly useful tool created by Microsoft. This helpful template can assist people on calculating on home electronics and it gives the power consumption. The template simply lists printers, television, computers, and other useful technologies that one uses regularly, along with the consumptions of watts per hour and also hours used. An estimate of the household’s power will also be given on the template.
An individual can find this tool helpful, and once the individual knows or have an idea on how much he/she consumes, the template can assist them on setting goals to reduce power in any location possible.
How to Use the Energy Usage Calculator
The template is available for free on this page and it useful to begin calculating electronic expenditures. This template gives the average costs of every household electronic from the electricity bill. But first look at the electricity bill to have an idea on what is the average cost of the bill. Using the energy usage calculator can also determine the average of an individual’s planned expenses. The usage of a general ledger is a helpful way to create a budget for multiple accounts and also to compare the individual’s actual expenses with their planned expenses.
The template is easy-to-use and free to use any time you wish. You can begin using the Microsoft energy usage calculator right away by clicking the link located on this page.
Helpful Tips on Using the Energy Usage Calculator
- Use an Excel spreadsheet to find out the total average cost of the electricity bill.
- Input the average cost of the electronic expenditures in the green space on line 7.
- The energy usage calculator will then give the individual the average cost once is input in the green space.
- Make sure to keep track on all electronic households while using the helpful energy usage calculator.
Download: Energy Usage Calculator
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