Emergency Preparedness Checklist


Microsoft Emergency Preparedness Checklist

You see tragic events in the news daily. Nobody ever thinks disaster will happen to them but, bad things happen to good people everyday. The worse part of these events is not knowing what to do. The actions taken in a matter of minutes can save lives and minimize damage. Your family needs an Emergency Preparedness Checklist to ensure their safety and preserve property.

This Emergency Preparedness Checklist is the most economical choice you will ever make to ensure your family’s future. You can save your money for insurance, security systems, and fire alarms. This document costs nothing and could save a life one day.

How to Use the Emergency Preparedness Checklist Document

  1. First, download this comprehensive template for free on this page.
  2. It is easy to use. Fill in your family’s personal information. Discuss a meeting place in the event of separation during a disaster and fill in the appropriate blanks. Locate extinguishers and evacuation routes. Note these on your personalized emergency plan. 
  3. Customize the template for different emergencies. If children are alone, they need numbers for authorities. For some disasters, evacuation procedures might be necessary. In the event of tragedy, account and insurance information could be needed. 

Tips for Using the Emergency Preparedness Checklist Document

  1. Keep a copy of the document you make from the Emergency Preparedness Checklist in a fire proof box at home. You don’t want the document damaged, but you need it accessible in the event of disaster.
  2. Email copies of the emergency plan to every family member. No matter what happens, a digital copy will be safely stored in email.
  3. Keep the portion of the plan with personal information in private areas. Keep an additional plan without social security numbers or account information. You want the plan easy to grab, but you don’t want an identity theft disaster.

You never know what can happen. Insurance only covers economics. You need a disaster plan to conserve property and minimize any harm to your family. Use this Emergency Preparedness Template as a part of your family’s plan for safety and security.

Download: Emergency Preparedness Checklist