Double Elimination Bracket Sheet

Double Elimination Bracket Sheet

The Double Elimination Bracket Sheet is the best way to organize your basketball victories and losses for March Madness and predict the outcome of the next game. This free template allows you to choose your top picks for the season and keep track of them using a simple double elimination system. The Double Elimination Bracket Sheet is just what you need to stay up do date with the stats of your favorite sports and teams to decide the outcome of your bracket.

Double Elimination Bracket Sheet Guide

The first step will be to decide how many teams will be in your tournament.

When you have chosen the number of teams you want to play with, click on that number from the list of teams displayed in blue in the Instructions tab. This will take you to the correct page you need to use. If the number you need is not displayed, simply choose the closest option rounded up.

When you’re playing with a seeded tournament, simply place the name of your team in their corresponding seed number. If the tournament is not seeded, simply click the “No” option and place your teams in the slots at random.

In case that you have any open positions at the start, simply enter “BYE” as the team name.

You can choose to conduct your games in the order that you originally numbered them or simply select “No” from the drop-down menu to hide game numbers entirely.

Remember to update the brackets as your tournament continues to advance. You will enter the scores in the gray boxes provided. The winners of each game will continue to the brackets on the right. When a team loses, you will drop them down to the lower brackets. The final game will be played off between the winner of the winning bracket and the winner of the losing bracket.

Since a team must lose twice in order to be out of the tournament, if the winner of the winner’s bracket loses in the final game, the game must be played again to determine the final winner.
Use this free template for the upcoming basketball season.

Download: Double Elimination Bracket Sheet