A vast majority of companies have received numerous charitable donations, especially in the last few years. Multiple types of crowdsourcing campaigns have emerged for businesses to take advantage of. Companies have realized that the products and services that they offer can be supported monetarily by fans that are willing to donate their hard-earned money to support such endeavors. If the want is there, people will always be willing to give to causes that they support.
Companies should keep a record of the donations that they receive for tax purposes. This record is also needed so that a receipt for the donation can be verified, if need be, in the future. If you’re looking for to log your donation pledges, you’ve come to the right place. The Donation Pledge Log is exactly what you need to keep a track of all the people donating money to your cause.
Using the Donation Pledge Log
Our pledge log is a great tool for tracking information related to donors and their pledges to your cause. The easy to download template is near the end of the article on this page. Download the template open it using Microsoft Excel. You’ll notice there are seven fields relating to the donor, some being:
- Donor Name
- Donor Phone
- Date of Pledge
- Pledged Amount
- Collected Amount
There are formulas in the donor log that will automatically add up the total amount pledge and collected for you to view at the top of the template. The number of pledges and the totals again can be seen near the bottom. Also, the log can be printed out for later use or can be filled out and saved on your computer.
Tips for the Donation Pledge Log
The pledge log is yours to save and edit as you please. Personalizing the log can be done in a snap. Below are a few of the most popular changes people make to the template
- Change the colors, fonts, and font sizes to meet those of your company.
- Add images to the templates such as the logo of your business.
- Insert new fields to store even more information about donations.
Download: Donation Pledge Log
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