If you want to know what the average is for child behavior, there is no better way than to use the free Developmentally Appropriate Play for Babies template. This simple Word template chart is the perfect tool to look up acceptable behaviors that have been charted by experts based on age.
You don’t have to worry whether your child is falling behind when it comes to certain developmental areas. You can look at this simple chart to see if there is something that you and your child need to focus on learning. To get started with this free template today, just follow the link below.
Downloading and Using the Developmentally Appropriate Play for Babies Template
You can get the free template file by scrolling down and clicking the link below.
When you open the sheet, you’ll notice five different columns of information. You have the age, visual play, auditory play, tactile play, and kinetic play behavior columns to review.
You would simply use the first column on the left side of the template to find the age of your child. Then, you would scan over to the next few rows to see what is appropriate for their age.
For example, let’s say that your baby is 3 months old. You would go to the 2nd cell of the 1st column and view the entire row of behaviors.
You will notice that some of the behaviors that are common for children of this age are things that will help your child learn and grow. They will be able to understand lights and color contrasts.
The template recommends making your room bright and colorful so they can learn to identify sounds, lights, and objects faster.
You can see how using this template will give you a great opportunity to advance your child’s learning and development.
Download: Developmentally Appropriate Play For Babies
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