Comic Book Inventory


Free Comic Book Inventory Template

Collecting comic books is a expensive and sometimes disorganized hobby. You end up with stacks of comic laying around in no particular order and when you need one it’s difficult to find. Our new Comic Book Inventory checklist template can help you to organize all your comics in an organized fashion. It can also help you save money by letting you catalog and keep a record of your collection.

Tips on Using the Comic Book Inventory

The Comic Book Inventory checklist is in a Microsoft Excel form. The template is split into different categories and they are title, author, publisher, editor, copyright, edition, category, language, translator, cover, pages, condition, location, and notes. It is a free template and can be downloaded on this page. The Comic Book Inventory checklist is very easy to use:

  • Download the software for free on this page
  • Save to a place you can easily find it.
  • Open the program
  • Type in the information you want in the order you so choose
  • Edit the template to your liking.
  • Save the file
  • Print the page(s)

You can either type the information into the blank Comic Book Inventory template or you can print out the page and write the information in by hand. If you choose to type it in you can save, customize, and sort the checklist as you choose. The list can be organized either by name, type of comic, date it was published or purchased, alphabetically, or by color scheme.

The checklist is also customizable so you can design and add to the page as you so choose. Such as, inserting pictures to distinguish the comics by name or brand, as well as, changing the color of certain sections of the template to match your personality or type of comics in this section.

The Comic Book Inventory template is an easy to use, customizable, free to download tool that is certain to lighten the load of caring for and collecting all of the comics in your collection.

Download: Comic Book Inventory