Making CDs is a great way to remember occasions or listen to music. The free CD Label Template is the perfect way to enhance your CD making experience by giving you the opportunity to create cool labels for each of your finished pieces. Whether you’re cutting music for an ice-skating program or you simply want to download your favorite songs from iTunes to create the ultimate mix, this template is the tool for you. To download and learn how to use this free template for your personal use, simply follow the link at the bottom of this page.
How to Use the CD Label Template
Once you have successfully downloaded the free template to your computer, you can open the file to reveal the layout, which you’ll need to enhance.
For each page, you will be given 2 different CD labels. They have an example listed so you know what to put on them, but you will need to change them to fit your own needs.
Start by clicking the title of the first CD, “Fav Hip-Hop Music.” This will bring up the text box. From here, you can treat the text just like you would in a Word document. To delete the item, highlight and press “Backspace.” You are then free to enter your own title.
The item on the right side of the CD label is for organizing your volumes. For example, the starting text is for someone’s favorite hip-hop music mix. Since this was the first volume they made and it was done in January, that’s the information that is entered into this section. Likewise, you would enter your own info to match it.
The text at the bottom of the CD is for entering a specific category. Maybe you have a long line of “Favorite Music” CDs. This bottom item is simply the overall category to which this CD belongs. This makes organizing your CDs simple.
When you finish entering your items, just print the sheet and glue it to the top of your disk. It really is that easy.
Download: CD Label Template
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