Car Race Game Template

Car Race Game Template

The free Car Race Game Template is the coolest new game to play with your friends and it’s absolutely free to download and use. The free sheet is a simple word document that only requires you to have a dice. This game is fully customizable and gives you the power to create your own questions. You will receive the board and a simple set of directions, which you can use to craft you own personalized game that is sure to impress friends and family. If you’re ready to get started with the free Car Race Game Template, just follow the instructions that have been given below.

How to Use the Car Race Game Template

To download your new Car Race Game Template, just follow the link placed at the bottom of this page.

You will be given the basic board for the Car Race game and a set of instructions near the center of the page. The first thing that you will want to do with this template is print a physical copy of the document for personal use.

The next step is to create a deck of cards composed of questions and the answers to them. The questions should be about cars and racing, but it’s your game so you can choose any topic you wish, why not?

Once you have your cards (which can be made from simple paper), take a look at the direction on the board.

The rules of the game are to roll the dice and pick a card from the deck you have made. If the question is answered correctly you can move that number of spaces. You will continue in this fashion until the winner is declared.

Be careful, though, there are many trap spaces that will make the game far more interesting!

Download: Car Race Game Template