Building Photoshop Brush Templates

Building Photoshop Brush Templates

When you’re designing something and need to make a vivid background with building and cityscapes, you might not always have the time, especially if you’re a graphic designer with a lot of clients. The free Building Photoshop Brush Templates allows you to quickly create your building with the click of your mouse.

That means you can instantly make a background so you can move on to character design and then add more detail to the foreground.

This simple tool is a godsend to graphic designers and artists everywhere. These brushes are 100% free and you can get started today by clicking the links at the bottom of this page and reading the guide below.

How to Use the Building Photoshop Brush Templates

To download your free Building Photoshop Brush Templates, you will download the free templates by clicking the links below.
When you click the link, you will automatically download a zip file containing the brushes. Next, click the actual brushes inside the file to import them directly into your Photoshop program.

You will notice that Photoshop automatically opens when you click the brush file as well.

With Photoshop open, go to the Brush Presets window. The first tab in that window will display your list of preset brushes that will include your new set of brushes.

Scroll to the bottom of this list and select your new buildings brush presets.

Now, go to your canvas and click your new brush to create a detailed building instantly! If you want to customize your new brush even further, you totally can!

You’ll choose different effect, shapes, and sizes, in the brush preset window or you may shift over to the main menu above and select colors and stroke. The possibilities are endless with these templates at your disposal.




