There are few things more important for a business than an employee work schedule. After all, employees cannot show up on time if they don’t know when they’re supposed to be there. Fortunately, thanks to technology, it’s now easier than ever before to make up a basic, simple to read schedule. All one needs is the free work schedule template from Microsoft.
What is the Work Schedule Template?
Put simply, the work schedule template is a pre-arranged Microsoft Excel template that anyone can download for free right here. This employee schedule template is easy to use, simple to download and it requires no special software to use it. As long as someone has Microsoft Excel on his or her computer, they can use this employee schedule template as often as they need to.
How the Work Schedule Template Works
The employee schedule template is a relatively straightforward file. One begins by downloading the file. Once the employee schedule template has been downloaded, open it. There will be blanks for employee names, times and the weeks that the schedule is for.
All the employer has to do is fill those blanks in with the appropriate names, times and dates to create a simple, easy to read and simple to post schedule. For those bosses that feel creative, it’s even possible to color-code names and shifts to make it that much easier to pick out who is working what shift on what day.
Once the employee schedule template is filled out, individuals need to click “Save As” and just save it as the schedule for a given week or pay period. From that point onward, all someone has to do is open the blank work schedule template when a new schedule needs to be made, fill it out, and save it as the new pay period. It’s just that simple!
Advantages of the Work Schedule Template
This file is free, simple to use and easy to manipulate no matter one’s level of technical skill with a computer. It really is just that simple, and what’s best of all there’s never any cost for this solution!
Download: Work Schedule Template
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