Planning a wedding is a big task, especially when you don’t know where to start. For big tasks there is one way to stay on top of everything and that’s through the use of a checklist. Checklists are an essential way to stay on track with things that need completion while helping you stay organized as much as possible. If you are planning a wedding staying organized is a must for the reason you don’t want to over pay a bill or spend too much time on one thing which will ultimately lessen the amount of time you have to get other things prepared. One useful yet most popular type checklist is the Wedding Registry Checklist!
What is a Wedding Registry Checklist?
A wedding registry checklist consists of many items in which the bride and groom are interested in having as their own. These gifts are usually given to the bride and groom during the reception but can be given to bride during the bridal shower if it’s appropriate. The Wedding Registry Checklist is free on this page, easy to use and downloadable right here. Unlike any other template you find on the internet, our template is customizable! Below is a list of tips on how to customize your template to your liking.
Tips on Customizing Your Wedding Registry Checklist
- Before you begin make sure you have your list of items ready for your template
- Decide which item fall under the appropriate category
- Kitchen, bedroom, dinning, living room, etc.
- Begin typing your items onto the template while categorizing your items in their appropriate places.
- Make sure you note how many of each item is required i.e cloth napkins (4)
- After filling your template out start playing around with the font
- In most cases a bride will use the colors of her wedding for the font color
- You can even add your engagement photo(s)
Now that you have the information you need and tips to get started on your template, you can now download and start having fun! Making your Wedding Registry Checklist unique is the way to go!
Download: Wedding Registry Checklist
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