If you have a large wedding, the amount of gifts you receive may be large as well. A gift table with a huge number of items can seem a bit overwhelming when it comes to figuring out who gave which gift and sending out gift thank you notes. To avoid becoming overwhelmed, you should use a wedding gift list template.
The wedding gift template is free of charge and easy to use. Through the use of Microsoft Excel, it is easy to customize the template. This wedding gift list template is appealing to the eye and is downloadable and ready to go. The template will be able to keep all gifts in order and leave no stone, or stoneware, unturned.
How to Use the Wedding Gift List Template
- First, you should enter the name and contact information of each of the guests at your wedding. Be sure to include both names if the guest was a married couple.
- Second, enter the gift that was given by the guest. Be sure to properly describe the gift, so that you know exactly what was received so that you can make mention in the thank you.
- Third, check off each item you send out a thank you note for. Leave the sections that you have not sent thank you notes for blank to draw your attention to the gift thank you notes that still need to be sent.
Tips for Using the Wedding Gift List Template
- Enter the gifts into the wedding gift list template as soon as possible. Do this before you unpack the gifts and place them inside of your home for use, as this will make them harder to keep track of.
- Send out your wedding gift thank you notes in bulk. Write the thank you notes at your computer so that you can check off the sent column as you address and stamp each thank you letter.
- Save the template and share with a variety of devices if you have more than one. This way you always have a copy and can write your thank you letters anywhere.
The wedding gift list template can be used to make sure you express proper thanks for those who sent gift and well wishes to help you and your spouse start your new life.
Download: Wedding Gift List Template
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