
Halloween is a fun time of year. The holiday originated from the pagan holiday Samhain. Celebrated from October 31st to November 1st, it marked the dark and barren half the year, and the open door to the other realm. Pagans masked themselves behind a fictitious character to hide from the evil creatures and spirits. Over the centuries, Halloween has lost the belief structure behind the holiday, and has now become the family festival of the fall. The Trick or Treat template is simple to modify, user friendly and available for free download.
How to Use the Trick or Treat Template
- The default slide shown in the Trick or Treat Template is specifically designed for Halloween oriented presentations. Left click on the top perforated text box on the pre-made slide. Type the name of the festival, gathering, or organization here. The lower section is for the name of the speaker’s or presenter.
- When using the Trick or Treat Template, adding slides is easy because the slides are already designed. Left click on the new slide button, which is shown in the upper left portion of the screen. Click on the top perforated box to type a title related to that particular slide’s information. The box directly beneath is designed to display information in a bullet/list format. Add as many slides to the presentation as necessary.
- Utilizing formatting and reviewing tools can make all the difference. Add additional spooky pictures by using the Insert menu. Even though the holiday template may be used for fun, it is still important to ensure the presentation is perfect by using the Review menu. Viewing the final presentation through a slide show will show the presenter how it will actually look. This function is found within the Slide Show menu.
Tips for Using the Trick or Treat Template
- Creating a rough draft or outline is necessary before starting a project.
- It is the speaker’s job to be adequately prepared with all information regarding the presentation. With that being said, do not try to squish too much information on any given slide. Only display speaking points.
- If the creator of the presentation would like to rearrange or delete slides, it is accomplished through the column left of the screen. This column displays a miniaturized version of the slides that uses a drag and drop method.
The Trick or Treat Template features a cool purple backdrop along with scary ghosts. This is a great way to get into the spooky holiday spirit.
Download: Trick or Treat Template
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