Simple and straight to the point, the Social Media Update Sheet has everything you need to finally stay on top of all your social platform campaigns. This handy template is designed just like a simple checklist in which you can schedule all your posts for any platform and make your way through the list until you have a following worthy of a king. There’s no need to loose followers due to inactivity, you have all the skills and content to keep your audience happy. You just need a way to organize your creative thoughts into one cohesive game plan. That’s where this template comes into play. Download the free template to start your journey to better social media strategies and digital solutions.
Social Media Update Sheet Guide
The first step you need to take to finally master social media is to actually have the template. To download the free file simply click on the link located at the bottom of your screen.
Next, you will find category titles and headers at the top of the page. Now, this is your template so you can change these titles to anything that fits your plan of action.
There are two separate rows in this document. In the first (column A) enter the name of your post or even the URL. This way you can easily refer back to it when you need to make changes or edits to the page/content.
The next section allows you to enter the date you want to post the item. Let’s say you want to post an article about St. Patrick’s Day but you wrote it in January. You can schedule it for a better date in this column. This way, you can easily check your date’s column and see if you need to post anything today.
When you have all your posts for the next few weeks entered, you can begin printing the document.
Why You Should Use the Social Media Update Sheet
- Everything you need is on one page
- Printable
- Easily customizable
Download: Social Media Update Sheet
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