One of the most exciting parts of any wedding is the amazing gifts you receive as a couple. However, you also want to make sure that each gift giver has been properly sent a “Thank You” note after the wedding. Your guest has taken the time and effort to give you something special, it’s only natural to want to show your gratitude. The Simple Wedding Gift Tracker is a way for you and your new spouse to casually list all your gifts and the thoughtful people that gave them to you. You can even track your “Thank You” cards with this document as well. Don’t let generosity go unrewarded; use this Gift Tracker to thank all your wonderful wedding guests with ease!
How to Use the Simple Wedding Gift Tracker
You probably have a lot going on, planning a wedding and all. The Gift Tracker makes filling out this information stress-free and quick.
The first thing you’ll need to do is decide if you want to enter everything on your computer or print the document out, to list the items by hand. To print the document, just press “File” and then “Print” at the top of your page.
After you have entered all the information in the box at the top of the page, start entering a description for each gift once you receive it, under the “Gift Description” column. After the description, you can list the name of the person that gave you the gift.
These two pieces of information are all you need to enter on your wedding day. You need to get tasks finished quickly and efficiently and that’s exactly how this Gift Tracker is structured.
After your wedding, you can go through your list of gift descriptions and corresponding names then write thoughtful notes, thanking the person for their special present. When a “Thank You” card has been sent, you can enter a “yes” under the “Thank-You Card Sent” column to indicate you have accomplished the task.
There is also a helpful “Notes” column at the very end if you decide you want to say something special and need to write it down immediately so you don’t forget.
Reasons to Use the Simple Wedding Gift Tracker
- Simple and easy to customize design
- All your information is on one tab
- Space to leave additional notes
Download: Simple Wedding Gift Tracker
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