As the school year unwinds, you may find yourself needing to send some communications home with each student. Why go with plain letterhead when you can have a fun, colorful, and age-appropriate letterhead? The Primary Teacher Letterhead Template has been designed with primary educators in mind. It’s a great and personal way to interact with parents during the school year.
About the Primary Teacher Letterhead (K-5) Template
This template features customizable sections to help display your information and your style. First, download the template, open in Microsoft Word, click “Save As” and save to your computer. You can adjust the teacher name and contact information so parents know how to reach you. Once your details are updated you can print it and handwrite messages throughout the year. You can also type in the message before printing out.
Customizing the template is also easy. You can click on any image and replace with other images you may have saved on your computer. To do this, simply right-click on an image, select “Change Picture,” and then swap out the image with any of yours.
Uses for the Primary Teacher Letterhead (K-5) Template
You can use your new letterhead to send student progress updates home, to explain a specific student issue with a parent, to advise parents of an upcoming event, or even to communicate with other educators! Your teacher letterhead is for you to use on any occasion. Plus it’s free which helps your teacher budget remain untouched!
Download: Letterhead Template for Primary Educators
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