
Our health is one of the last things we think to keep an accurate record of at home. It’s helpful to keep up with your health information especially if you have multiple doctors at different practices. It’s difficult to keep up with various medicines, treatments and vaccinations. A Personal Health Record Template is a form that will take some of the stress of keeping your health records organized.
How to Use the Personal Health Record Template Excel Document
- The Personal Health Record Template is free to download here.
- It’s easy to use and can be printed on one 8.5 X 11 sheet of paper landscape.
- It’s customizable so you can change a field and the field colors.
- To start, input your name, birth date and your medical plan information. This is very helpful if you may have lost your card or need the information on a phone call.
- Next, input your emergency contact person’s information.
- If you have a copy of your immunization shot record enter the date and immunization type.
- List all known medical conditions.
- Then input all of your medicines.
- Lastly, you will input all of your medical visits. This should include the medical visit date, description, physician, diagnosis, any test performed and results, action taken and medication given. There is also a place for additional notes.
Tips for Using the Personal Health Record Template Excel Document
- To easily read across the rows you can change the color of alternating rows.
- Print the top half of the sheet off and give to your child’s school or summer camp programs. Everything they need to know is right here on the Personal Health Record Template.
- If you have a serious medical condition such as diabetes or prior heart issues, keep a copy for yourself in your car, purse, office desk, or trusted co-worker. The information provided on this template could save your life.
- Copy the template and create a health record tab for each member of your family.
- If you are no longer using a medicine, put a strike-through font in case you need to refer back to it at a later date.
Gather all of your medical paperwork and complete this form. Initially it may take maybe even an hour to sort through your documents and input the information, but it’s worth it in the end. It’s a quick process from here to keep the information accurate and updated.
Download: Personal Health Record Template
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