You can save an incredible amount of time and effort with the new out of office template from Microsoft. With the out of office email template, you can quickly create your own custom out of the office reply. This easy-to-use template includes contact information, return dates and addresses, and much more.
The out of office email template is available as a complimentary, instant download right here on this page. Take advantage of this special offer and download the out of office email template for free here today!
About the Microsoft Out of Office Email Template
The out of office email template is made to be used in conjunction with Microsoft Outlook. Once you have downloaded the file by clicking the link available on this page, unzip the file and open it in Outlook. Once open, the file is ready to use immediately. If you plan on using the out of office email template in the future, feel free to save an unedited copy in a spot that’s easily accessible.
How to Fill Out the Microsoft Out of Office Email Template
You can begin editing the out of office email template by filling in both the recipient line and the subject line. Next, you can take a look at the ready-made out of the office message. The message reads:
Thank you for your message. I am currently out of the office, with [limited] [no] access to e-mail.
I will be returning on [day, date].
If you need assistance before then, you may reach me at [phone number].
For urgent issues, please contact [name] at [e-mail address] or [telephone number].
[Signature] [Optional: Type your favorite quotation or saying here along with the author or source]
To finish filling out the out of office email template, simply input your own information within the respective brackets. Once complete, the out of office email template is completely ready for use!
Don’t leave co-workers or prospective customers in the dark. Download your copy of the out of office email template from Template Haven today!
Download: Out of Office Email Template
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