Arrrrrrrrrr! Maties, it’s the pirate’s life for you when you download the free Halloween Pumpkin Carving Pirate Ship Template. This free template will show you how to carve your way through the 7 seas and your Halloween pumpkin to create the image of a beautiful sea vessel perfect for a pirate. This Halloween template is simple and easy to complete. All you have to do is download and print the free template document and follow the guide below. With these instructions by your side, you’ll never have to walk the plank ever again; you’ll be captain of your own ship this year. To learn more about the free Pirate Ship Template just continue reading this guide.
Using the Halloween Pumpkin Carving Pirate Ship Template
Start by downloading the template file directly to your computer simply by following the link we have provided for you below.
With the document open and ready to go on your computer, print the sheet by selecting “File” then “Print” in the menu at the top of your screen.
Now that you have the sheet, take a minute to gather the necessary supplies from home. You will just need a finely pointed end, like a pencil, pen, or a safety pin, some adhesive, and a serrated knife.
Now, use the adhesive to keep the sheet on the pumpkin and firmly in place. You will need the image facing you and at the center of the pumpkin so you have plenty of space to work with.
Now, start poking holes with your finely tipped end along the silhouette of the pirate ship. When you have completely gone over the lines of the template, take the sheet off the pumpkin.
Now, use the serrated knife and cut out the sections where you poked holes into the pumpkin. Take your time to make sure your image comes out flawless. Now you should have a ship worthy of a pirate king!
Download: Halloween Pumpkin Carving Pirate Ship Template
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