Unexpected disasters can occur to anyone at anytime and it can have a major impact when trying to cope with what steps to take next. Preparing a family emergency plan can help be the key to surviving such emergencies. The family emergency plan template is fully customizable to fill-in with your family’s information and steps to take should a disaster strike. Knowing what to do, where to go and what to take can be the key to finding safety for the family. The template is available for immediate download free on this page and compatible with Microsoft Excel 2013.
How to use the Family Emergency Plan Template
- Download the template and save it to your computer. Open the template to begin the easy customization steps. There are two pages available to complete.
- The first page has four sections to customize. On the first section highlight the entries you want to change with your own family’s details. You can type in a primary meeting place, the second meeting place and include some out of town instructions.
- The second part has entries for family member names, social security, date of birth and important medical information. Enter the details for each family member.
- On the third part enter details about the places you spend the most time like school, work, or other places.
- For the fourth section enter your insurance policies and contact information to keep a record of it.
- The second page is a full sheet of six cards you can use to carry with you in your wallet or purse. Fill in the details and give one to each member to make sure they know who to call and where to go.
Tips for Using the Family Emergency Plan Template
- Print out the first page and keep it where everyone can access it in case of emergency. You can also place one in your disaster supplies kit.
- Periodically check your plan and update any details if necessary by simply printing out another family emergency plan template.
Make sure everyone understands the importance of having a family emergency plan. It is a good idea to sit down with all family members to discuss the steps to take when a disaster occurs. By everyone cooperating and working together the chance of staying safe is higher then if you are not prepared at all.
Download: Family Emergency Plan
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