Some businessmen dread having to make a pitch regarding their business ideas. They may not be able to handle the pressure of a fast-paced pitch or may simply just not be prepared for that particular situation. It is not uncommon for a businessman to walk up to a person of interest in an elevator or other cramped quarters to pitch business plans. Taking part in this high pressure situation where time can be restricted can actually be a lot harder than it may seem. Certain preparations have to be made about which points are the most important and which ideas must be discussed before others.
The Elevator Pitch template for Microsoft Word will help you to better organize your main ideas and prepare you to deliver a quick, informative speech to let another party know about services or goods you’d like to offer them.
Using the free Elevator Pitch template
You’ll be organized and ready to speak with the free Elevator Pitch Template for Word. Don’t forget to grab a copy and follow along.
- Download the Elevator Pitch sheet and open it in Microsoft Word or some other type of word processing software. Save it to a folder that will be easy for you to remember in the long run.
- After opening it, you’ll see that there are three distinct sections: 12-second speech, 30-second speech, and 3-minute speech. With these sections, you’ll have all your ideas organized no matter how much time you have to talk.
- Set your cues for the 12 second speech first. In one sentence, summarize what your company does. Then describe the benefits and features that set your company apart. It’s really that simple.
- Next up is creating a speech for a 30-second encounter. You can describe your company in more than one sentence, talk about goals and objectives, as well as positive aspects of your products and services.
- With the 3-minute speech section, you can provide the potential business partner with a mission statement, qualifications, benefits, and previous successful outcomes from your company’s services.
Download: Elevator Pitch template
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