The crime scene template is one very uniquely designed template that is purposely made to meet the needs of special crime scene agents as well as investigators. The template is used to enable one carry a clear and organized collection of information that is bound to be collected in any crime scene so that is it much easier to analyze and interpret.
This template is highly important for all types of crime scene agents not only because of the important role it plays towards enabling them carry out their tasks but also because it is accompanied by three main special benefits. These include having the template available for free through this page, ensuring that the template is easy to customize and in addition to this, making sure that that the crime scene template is very easy to use and above all and can be indeed downloaded right here.
How to Use the Crime Scene Template
The template is usually in a compressed file format and is actually very much easy to download. To get started, one needs to do the following:
- First, one has to click on the download button below.
- On the dialog box that appear, click on Save.
- One should then select the folder where they want to save the file and once again click on the Save button.
- Once saved, one can open the folder where the crime scene template has been saved and to open it, all that one needs to do is to double click on it.
- Upon the opening of the file, one can start customizing it so as to fit their preferred needs in accordance to the crime details being collected on the field.
Tips on How to Use the Crime Scene Template
The template contains the small size, medium size and the large size site sample pages which contain various text blocks, built in scale symbols, various shapes as well as reference points to enhance the levels of accuracy when creating drawings and sketches that are aimed at depicting the scene of the crime, courtroom presentation or even an accident. The key is to therefore utilize these very accurately so as to ensure that one is able to make a clear judgement.
Download: Crime Scene Template
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