Family vacations can be hard to organize, but when it comes to camping, the management of planning, packing, and remembering can be extremely tedious. Families with young kids have to be prepared to bring a lot more gear for a comfortable trip, while a group of friends can easily leave off from bringing the first aid kit. As a result, the Camping Trip Planner is the first necessary tool that everyone should have and use before they begin to start their camping trip.
The Camping Trip Planner helps campers remember, organize, collect, and plan their entire trip based upon necessities, location, and important items to bring so that the entire group can stay informed along the process.
Camping Trip Planner Features
- Requires Microsoft Excel 2013 or later in order to successfully download.
- The Camping Trip Planner hosts four important categories that all campers should be aware of: the camping grounds, the ground details, necessary gear, and important camp resources.
Instructions on How to Use the Camping Trip Planner
- The template is easy to customize for individual or group use. Whether planning for a trip of two days to ten, the template can be increased or decreased in size to meet the needs of the group accordingly.
- The template is free to download when using the link provided by this page. Once downloaded within seconds, the template opens with Excel and is so easy to use, the most amateur of PC users will find it simple enough to complete.
- Follow each category as listed and implement all the necessary portions of information as needed. Under ‘Camp grounds’, list all possible destinations and spots the group intends to explore.
- Use the ‘Camp grounds’ as a guideline for filling out the ‘details’ of each camp grounds. This part will help ensure that the right resources and gear are brought along.
- Gear will include tents, possible bikes, lanterns, protective insect repellent, backpacks, etc.
- Resources will include the vital nutrition that is appropriate for all sports and activities planned for the trip, as well as what each location might lack.
- Once the template is complete, the user can save, print, or even email to the group of friends and family so that they can add their ideas into the list.
So effective, this template makes every camping trip an equipped success for all camping groups.
Download: Camping Trip Planner
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