Business Timeline Sheet


The Business Timeline Sheet is the perfect way to plan and organize the goals you have in mind for your company/business. Organization is the most important tool for any task. The simple template allows you to enter all the details of your project on a single page. Having your ideas in plain view gives you an easy way to organize all this data to compile the perfect strategy for achieving that goal. You can take charge of your business strategies in order to enhance performance, sales, or anything else you can think up. Follow the directions below to get started.

Business Timeline Sheet Guide

The first thing you need to start optimizing your business strategies is download the free Business Timeline template to your computer by following the link below.

The next step is to scroll down to the table, once you have the document open. This table will take all the data for your timeline and apply it to the graph above.

You will see there are three columns in which to enter data. The first item you need to enter is the date of your project. This is the date you expect to have a specific task completed. This is extremely useful when it comes to planning your overall goal.

The next thing you need to enter is the name of your “milestones”. These are the individual tasks that make up your goal. Completing a project becomes much simpler once you break that project into separate tasks.

Finally, enter the position in which your task will appear on the graph above. This will help separate tasks that fall in close proximity to one another.

Why You Should Use the Business Timeline Sheet

  • All your goals are displayed on one page
  • Simple design makes customization quick and simple
  • Reusable for future projects

Download: Business Timeline Sheet