In the medical field, you deal with a lot of waste, every needle that has been used and every bandage that has served its purpose. It’s important that left-over chemicals are disposed of properly and the Medical Waste Disposal Log can help you accomplish that goal quickly and easily. The simple Word document is all you need to enter the medical gear in question and ensure that it has been disposed of properly. Whether you work in a major doctor’s office or run your own small clinic, this template has you covered at all times.
Using the Medical Waste Disposal Log
To download the free template, all you need to do is click the link at the bottom of this page.
Now, fill out all the blank lines at the top of the page. You will enter the container #, the room #, and the building of that applies to you.
You may then proceed to the main table of the document. Here, you will list the date, the added by, position, department, waste description, and finally the container type.
Now, let’s run through an example to get started.
Let’s say that you are a doctor at a small clinic and you need to log a needle that has been used to take a simple blood sample. You would enter the date you took the blood and threw the item away. You would then list your name and position, your department, and a brief description of the item.
Finally, you can finish by entering the name of the container, which in this case would be “syringe”.
You can also fill out this information by printing the document first and writing it in by hand. Simply click the “File” button above and click the “Print” option that appears on the list.
Download: Medical Waste Disposal Log
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